" Generalmente, los rayos son producidos por partículas negativas por la tierra y positivas a partir de nubes de desarrollo vertical llamadas cumulonimbus. Cuando un cumulonimbo alcanza la tropopausa, las cargas positivas de la nube atraen a las cargas negativas, causando un relámpago y/o rayo de arcobaleno. Esto produce un efecto de ida y vuelta; se refiere a que al subir las partículas instantáneamente regresan causando la visión de un descenso vertical luminoso. Esto se traduce en un retorno, en referencia a las partículas que causan visiones dobles e instantáneas, influenciando directamente los estados cromáticos en el aire durante estaciones enteras como otoño y verano. Una subdisciplina de la meteorología, está estudiando todo lo relacionado con los rayos, la percepción de aquellos como oráculos milagrosos de los cielos. Esta ciencia es conocida como ceraunología. Gracias a los avances tecnologicos y a la invención por parte de dos investigadores, es posible observar este fenómeno utilizando gafas especiales repelerayos."

Radio Nudism | Whistle, Minotaure!

RADIO NUDISM (cassette) – a collection of priceless documents collected from the sound archives of a Danish nudist radio station from 1993/94. This 45 min mixtape / compilation / radio narrative stands as an audio companion to the exhibition of Massimiliano Bomba,Benjamin Altermatt and Xavier García Bardón curated by Francesco Cavaliere and Marcel Türkowksy at Grimmuseum, Berlin, in September 2011. Featuring tracks by the aforementioned nudists and more, it has been assembled and spiced by DJ Bongo Man. Coreleased by Grimmuseum,Caleuche_Video, Rawraw and Music City. 120 copies.

foglie bucate

R AA YY O | Side A & B | It is a long play tape from the duo conformed by time travellers Francesco Cavaliere & Benjamin Altermatt Zordan , recorded on the road between Italy and Swiss during the summer of 2009 and self-released during
the wild party at St.Oyens in a limited edition of 12 copies.

R AA YY O | Side A & B | It is a long play tape from the duo conformed by time travellers Francesco Cavaliere & Benjamin Altermatt Zordan , recorded on the road between Italy and Swiss during the summer of 2009 and self-released during
the wild party at St.Oyens in a limited edition of 12 copies.
The tape was a mix of field recordings, cut-ups from the original sounds contained inside the tapes we recorded on, blind-recordings were we played without the chance of listening since the only output was plug in the walkman we used for recordings.
Originally side B was titled "foglie bucate". Side A was titled "spiaggia" and was only a long track recorded in Bologna before departing, that we under titled "a r m o n i c a - y r i c a".
For this Internet edition three short tracks recorded during the same period in Genova were added to side A.

RADIO NUDISM (cassette) – a collection of priceless documents collected from the sound archives of a Danish nudist radio station from 1993/94. This 45 min mixtape / compilation / radio narrative stands as an audio companion to the exhibition of Massimiliano Bomba,Benjamin Altermatt and Xavier García Bardón curated by Francesco Cavaliere and Marcel Türkowksy at Grimmuseum, Berlin, in September 2011. Featuring tracks by the aforementioned nudists and more, it has been assembled and spiced by DJ Bongo Man. Coreleased by Grimmuseum,Caleuche_Video, Rawraw and Music City. 120 copies.
5 eur.
Caleuche_Video 007
Caleuche_Video 007
The Valleys | Tape

Caleuche_Video 006
free download Was the year 2010 ,during fall I guess. I was already living in Berlin and Lyndon Harrison invited me for playing at his group exhibition's opening. That evening we play as R AA YY O with my good friend Francesco a show in between the boundaries of a performance and a dj set. There were many friends of Lyndon, most of them coming from the UK. Lyndon's mother came to congratulate with us, she liked our set a lot. Sam was there too. After about half a year I was mostly into getting lost in the many oasis Berlin offers and I end-up hanging out with Alice at the wild wedding parties she still organize, she told me that Sam was back in Berlin for a few days and wanted to see me(¿!?!?).That same night I fell very sick and I left early, but in my way home with Marlene and Kate they insisted so much to join them in some bar-opening of a friend of them that I end-up hanging out with them, later I kiss them and like in the movies suddenly we were a triangle of love. On our way back to their place ,around 6-7pm I proposed to stop at the wild wedding party since it was on the way. the party was almost over but there was Sam!,he told me "Benjamin, I really loved your set with Francesco last time and I have a tape for you, this is my band, The Valleys, I made a limited edition of five copies and one is for you", then he opened the case and with the first crayon he found wrote on the back cover; A_pop side / B_experimental side. After I listened to the tape wouldn't been easy to reach Sam again if it wasn't for Betsy's help. When I finally contacted him and he agreed about publishing the tape with Caleuche_Video he send me this info about the band: "The Valleys are from Bridgend, Wales and have been together since 2005. The Valleys - Tape was recorded in London at Rhys's Hall Way Bedroom, Chatsworth Road and Front Room, Rushmore Road between January 2010 and March 2011. The music for the tape was made by myself and Rhys Knowles but the full line-up of the valleys is · Ben Absalom · Sam Bardsley · Rhys Knowles · Rhys Morgan · Ben Reed
Harmony Molina | Heavy Stuff EP

Caleuche_Video 005
Pablito Molina is my friend since a while, we meet through a highschool mate of mine, Vinicio Montalvo(1982-2003) when we were still living in Santiago, Chile. Since then he was already a myth because of his street performances, but mostly because of his poems. I remember that time that we went all together to nico's house in concon, a small summer village by the sea and spend most of the time on the beach drinking escudo beer and listening to pablito's covers from nirvana, charly garcia, olivia newton-john and many other great classics. Those days I discovered that he could also play the guitar and with such a feeling. That period, the year 2000, my last period in Chile was so intense, electronic music was at the top, and our friend Vini was playing gigs often with his electro-crash band A la luz resistant, everybody had (and still have) very special dance steps. After two years from when I left Chile, Vini had an accident and died. Pablito was there during those days. After that we lost ourselves and didn't knew anymore about each other life. After many years we meet in Berlin and we become neighbors. he is now in berlin and plays his guitar more and more often.
Kevin Bewersdorf | Slow Dudes
Caleuche_Video 004
On his old website Kevin gives a brief description about the album :
Slow Dudes was recorded in 2005 in Berlin Germany using homemade instruments built by me, general MIDI software, and some analog synthesizers built by Peter Blasser. The software provides a familiar architectural ingredient, while the homemade instruments are highly gestural in order to battle the defaults present in the software.
I contacted Kevin a month ago asking him if it was possible to upload Slow Dudes and
released it under the Caleuche_Video series.He replied and said yes.During the last days searching for more of Kevin's stuff I discovered that Slow Dudes has been already released once in the free download form by a website that now is offline called maximumsorrow.com, Kevin's old website I guess. After spending some hours in the netz I found this video.
Caleuche_Video 003
Caleuche_Video 002
31 minutes Tape
tracks recorded in between
2008 and 2011
printed in april 2011
first edition : 20 copies
Limited edition of 20
different covers
Pincoya Metamorfosi it's the first release by Indias Indios
In this release Indias Indias is only Benjamin Altermatt playing
tapes and videotapes using simultaneously four recorders.
Most of the sounds contained in the tape were collected during the last years in different places in between Europe and China.
The drawings in this release were taken from the diary nº3
by Indias Indios.