BYOB en Valparaiso !

El próximo Sabado 5 de Julio la primera version
del proyecto Byob en Chile se presentara en
Espacio G .

que es BYOB ?

B A N D A S 2 0 1 2

B A N D A S  
Leipzig / Berlin
Benjamin Altermatt

 La primera edición del fanzine B A N D A S contiene fotografias realizadas por B.Altermatt durante la Primavera y el Verano del año 2012 en Berlin, Alemania.
En esta primera edición aparecen fotografías de las siguientes Bandas:
Blue StorkMolly NilssonBenjamin Vergara, Tape ManTeengirl Fantasy, Delmore Fx, By Haruo, indias indiosMirror TalkMat Pogo, Futura LabelNovo Line, SFTSTPSFatima Al Qadiri. 

 El Fanzine será presentado este martes 3 de Junio en la tienda STUMP! a las 20:00 en San Antonio 242, Santiago, Chile.
indias indios y Grio se presentaran en vivo.
todos invitados !

indias indios invitada a tocar el Domingo en HolaChao

Pal que tiene facebook y 
quiere averiguar sobre que tipo de 
estrellas nacionales e internacionales 
van a participar en la feria informese 


Coin Album

Nico Manning

Este es el segundo fanzine publicado por C_Video en ocasión de la exposición de Nico Manning en la tienda dinosaurio en Santiago centro. El fanzine contiene una selección de monedas coleccionadas por Nico desde temprana edad mas unas pocas imágenes de su trabajo y de su infancia.

25 copias
formato A5 
24 paginas blanco y negro
HP LaserJet M1005
papel woodstock betullaa 80gr 
papel marina corallo 90gr

Gira Musical Disco Montaña

Orphan Fairytale,
Indias Indios & Wtf Bijou on tour 
next week of september in Swiss !

13.09 Bourg. Lausanne
18.09 Bad Bonn. Dudingen
20.09 Loch. Zurich
21.09 Pantographe. Moutier
22.09 Cave 12. Geneva

7.09.2013 in Antwerp

The creative audio project of Spencer Clark (a.k.a. Charles Berlitz, Black Joker, and Vodka soap, as well as 1/2 of the Skaters), whose Romance Audio trilogy under the moniker has sought to explore a metaphysical relationship with an aviary sherpa. His sounds as Monopoly Child examine esoteric and spiritual concepts through hypnotic layers of rhythm and melody.

One of the many aliases of Antwerp artist Lieven Martens, who also runs his own imprint Cetacean Nation Cassettes. Lieven combines new-age aesthetics with hazy lo-fi synth rituals. Recent releases see him incorporating influences of musique concrete and classical music.

A multi-layered substratum, an organic sound matter shining under a full moon sky. Here music, like some appetizing ground digested by enthusiastic worms, reveals the very nature of compost: a gift from the earth. Featuring members of Buffle, Pacific Games, DJ Cool Brocoli, Dj Bongo Man...

Born a punk and raised a rainbow watcher, Manuel Padding aka City Hands has been active as a music citizen and a renownd butterfly observer for a few decades now. As a free-minded follower of Gustav Metzger and a reader of early science-fiction free press, M.P. believes in the creative powers of destruction and in the secret forces lying in forgotten languages. His fluid compositions aim to create rich underground communities that would stand against corruption worldwide.

Installation by REVEREND DIRTY TREE (CL)


Wilrijkstraat 37, 2140 Antwerpen
starts 8 PM.

22.03.2013 Live and Workshop at erg

on the 22th of March 
a workshop about how I edit my films only using 
analog mixers at L'École de recherche graphique
in Brussels. Bellow an example of analog editing.

Indias Indios | Vulcano di Notte

Originally released on tape 
by Stenze_Quo during the third 
of april 2012. For you out there
feeding the internet,
the complete original tape !
sharing the sounds on Caleuche_Video.
Artwork by Johann.

Cotopaxi | Schrein | Indias Indios on Tour in Germany NOW !

30.12. Berlin - Pony Royal
31.12. Bremen - Friese
02.01. Leipzig - Nullunendlich
03.01. Darmstadt - Oetinger villa
04.01. Karlsruhe - Halle 14
05.01. Stuttgart - Ffus
06.01. Bochum - R15